What are Sliding Glass Doors?
Automatic sliding glass door is a device that open doors automatically, waits, then closes it.This type of a door provides responsive and efficient opening which makes them ideal for busy areas.
Automatic sliding glass doors are preferred automatic door systems for commercial and public buildings entrances such as store door, office entrance door, hotel entrance door, operating room door, supermarket door.
Sliding glass doors production phase:
Sliding glass doors are produced from various electronic and mechanical materials since they are in different forms according to the model. For example, in photocell sliding doors, opener mechanisms are used according to the model of the wings. The motors used in the photocell glass sliding door open mechanisms are brush less encoder dc motors. The control of dc motors that move the photocell glass sliding door is provided by the processors. The processor enables the door to be opened automatically via the optionally added radar, hand proximity sensor or signals from the control.
Benefits of automatic sliding glass doors
- energy efficiency
- indoor outdoor flow
- space saving
- security
- environmental friendly
- exterior appearance, structure and easy passage.
Automatic photocell glass sliding doors can also be integrated into card, password and fingerprint readers.
Sliding Glass Door Types
- Double swing sliding glass door
- Single swing sliding glass door