Tripod Turnstile System is a high access control turnstile with three revolving arms. Turnstile systems are preferred systems for entry and exit where control level is important. Turnstile systems differ according to the usage area. Tripod turnstiles restrict access to one person at a time with a set of rotating tripod barrier arms. These half height turnstile gates have traditionally been the most popular type of turnstile.
Tripod Turnstile systems usage area:
Because of the many advantages such as superior access control. Better security in compering with the manually operated exits and entrance systems. Operational flexibility and lower costs gives advantage to Tripod Turnstile System to be used in different areas.
- access controls, etc. safe passage
- stadium entrances
- public service stations
- subway stations
- train stations
- cafeteria
- private companies
Tripod Turnstile Models
EN-274 Tripod Turnstile EN-212-2 Turnstile
EN- 124 Turnstile EN- 112 Turnstile